A free resource & Community Partnership
Give us a Hand...
We are not experts. Our goal was to create a hub where people could find Enabling Tech easily and where folks could share their stories.
We would love to hear about your thoughts, ideas, and the products you've used successfully. Click here to contribute.

Tech Can Create Safety and Comfort
We hope you'll enjoy this presentation by family leaders with Windsor-Essex Family Network and participants from the local Housing Task Force project called "Continuing Housing Innovation in Windsor-Essex."
Click here to read more.
My Home My Choice
We believe that Enabling Technology can help people to live more independently. Since 2010, Windsor-Essex Family Network and partners have been inspiring people and families about what it means to have an affordable home to call one’s own; one that offers security, stability and sustainability in an inclusive society.
Click here to read more.

Nothing here is for sale but we do provide links to some products that are for sale; these links take you to websites that are not ours. Unfortunately we can't assist with product purchases, returns, or technical support.
We appreciate your comments and feedback.